The Path – Part 4: Revelation

‘The Path’ is a quasi-mystical series of collages exploring the journey from Ignorance and Chaos to Wisdom and Enlightenment. It’s also an exercise in capitalising words to make them seem more important ๐Ÿ˜‰

Part 4: Revelation. It is a wise ruler indeed who understands the difference between Magic and Madness. Only then shall The Secrets be revealed to him.

The Path – Part 3: Inspiration

‘The Path’ is a quasi-mystical series of collages exploring the journey from Ignorance and Chaos to Wisdom and Enlightenment. It’s also an exercise in capitalising words to make them seem more important ๐Ÿ˜‰

Part 3: Inspiration. We learn and take Inspiration from those who have Ascended before us, transparent Beings Of Light whose Love and Power shine down upon all Creatures.

The Path – Part 2: Meditation

‘The Path’ is a quasi-mystical series of collages exploring the journey from Ignorance and Chaos to Wisdom and Enlightenment. It’s also an exercise in capitalising words to make them seem more important ๐Ÿ˜‰

Part 2: Meditation. The patient and devoted Student, given the proper application of Time, is rewarded with pearls of Wisdom and the ability to shun frippery and distraction in the quest for pure Knowledge.

The Path – Part 1: Chaos

‘The Path’ is a quasi-mystical series of collages exploring the journey from Ignorance and Chaos to Wisdom and Enlightenment. It’s also an exercise in capitalising words to make them seem more important ๐Ÿ˜‰

Part 1: Chaos. A hellish landscape of Fear and Ignorance and nasty-natured sentient Toys, awaiting Nightfall so that they may devour the souls of the Damned.

The Planet Of Tongue

A riot of “too much at once”.

This is a very old piece, the original of which is now a wrinkled mess in my shed.

While it has a lot of great elements, there’s just too much going on and the eye has nowhere to focus.

Needless to say, I look at quite a few of those elements now and think “I wish I’d saved those for a better collage!”

My Friend’s Electric

A simple tale of two kids who love their robot.

This something a little bit different for me. Pasted onto board, this piece uses a limited colour palette and illustrations from only three sources – the background, the robot, the scene from a 1960s French kids book.

One of the objectives of collage, to my mind at least, is to create the illusion that these images have always belonged together. And in this case I think I have succeeded 100%.

The All-Seeing Eye

It sees everything!

Created for a beer coaster-themed show at the legendary La Luz De Jesus gallery in Los Angeles. Every year they have an open call for artists from all over the world to submit work and somehow my friend Andy managed to get not only herself selected but several other NZ artists as well.

It was a tremendous honour to show my work at this prestigious gallery and I hope to do so again in 2017.


Blue Moon Rising

Another of my best black-and-white pieces on canvas.

Those of you familiar with my work will recognise my mascot, the top-hatted gentleman with the giant eye.

He appears here in some sort of formal portrait, surrounded by the weirdness that he seems to attract wherever he goes.

Created in about 2013, I took this piece to Portland with me in 2014 and sold it to a collector with excellent taste.